Describe a time when you were late - DevDaze


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الأربعاء، 22 مارس 2023

Describe a time when you were late


Describe a time when you were late

There was a time when I was running late for an important meeting. I had scheduled the meeting with my supervisor to discuss a project update and had planned to arrive at least 10 minutes early. However, due to unexpected traffic, I was delayed and ended up arriving 5 minutes late.

I was extremely worried about being late as I did not want to give the impression that I was not reliable or professional. As soon as I arrived, I quickly apologized to my supervisor and explained the situation. Thankfully, my supervisor was understanding and assured me that it was not a big deal and that we could still have our meeting.

However, I still felt guilty and embarrassed about being late. I realized that it was important to plan for unforeseen circumstances and allow for extra time when scheduling important appointments. I also made sure to keep my supervisor informed about any potential delays in the future to avoid being late again.

Overall, the experience taught me the importance of punctuality and the need to be prepared for unexpected circumstances that may cause delays.

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