Find Easy Clients in Freelancing Business by Following Inbound Marketing Strategies! - DevDaze


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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Find Easy Clients in Freelancing Business by Following Inbound Marketing Strategies!

Inbound Marketing Strategies

Proper marketing always has a lot of importance in attracting clients to a business. However, this marketing method is not always the same. 

For example, a few years ago, business companies used to prefer to advertise in newspapers or on television for marketing their products or services. Because it would be easy to reach out to the clients by using these two mediums. But now business marketing is done on newspapers, television ads as well as on the internet, especially on social media and on various websites targeting potential clients. Inbound marketing is a type of marketing method that makes it possible to attract potential clients to your business. In today's post I will share some effective inbound marketing strategies that will surely attract clients in your freelancing business if you follow them.

What is inbound marketing?

I know the topic of today's discussion is new to many. So before learning about inbound marketing strategy, let's know what inbound marketing is.

Inbound marketing is a type of marketing that first identifies who can be a business client from various online platforms, such as blogs, social media, search engines. The content is then shown to them in such a way that they are interested in purchasing from that business company.

In this case, various pictures, videos, infographics, podcasts, e-books or presentation shows are shown as content. The content used in inbound marketing is created in such a way that after viewing it, the potential clients work on the head so that the service or product offered by this company can give them benefits. It is with this in mind that they later purchase from that company.

So, to put it simply, the main focus area of ​​inbound marketing is to attract potential clients to your business in such a way that they purchase their services or products from that business company. This is why inbound marketing is also called client centered marketing. Properly created and followed by inbound marketing strategies, it is possible to generate sales in the freelancing business.

The process of inbound marketing

Business marketing can be done in many ways. Every marketing process is different from one another. So if you want to know about inbound marketing strategy, then you also need to know about the actual process of this marketing.

In the case of freelancing business, what is done at the beginning of the inbound marketing process is to attract potential clients with different content. I am trying to explain the process through a real life example. For example, someone has a freelance graphic design business He created a video to attract clients where he showed how one of his clients benefited from the service. He also put a call to action at the end of the video. He said as a call to action, there are special discount coupons for clients who want to take services from him, which clients have to provide their email address to get.

Then you know what the graphic designer will do?

He will present the link of that video in front of his potential clients through social media and various websites. By doing this, those clients will feel interested to watch the video and will visit the designer's website at least once to watch the video. Then when they watch the full video, they will definitely respond to the call to action at the end of the video. As a result, they will receive a discount coupon email.

These clients may not purchase the service using these discount coupons in the beginning. So they will be sent a reminder email again The big possibility in this case is that many clients will purchase the service after receiving the reminder email. The designer will then provide services to the clients as per their demand and offer them more discount coupons to increase the clients' satisfaction. Basically inbound marketing is done by following this process.

Inbound Marketing Strategies in Freelancing Business

Now we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground. Now I will discuss inbound marketing strategies which will be possible to get success in this marketing by following properly.

By now everyone may have realized how important it is to create good quality content in inbound marketing. Since potential clients are attracted by the content here, you must make sure that the content is attractive. In order to create good quality content, you need to know the audience at the beginning. In this case, who is the audience? Audiences are people who are potential clients of the business. Define through adequate research who will see the content you create as an audience. If you provide a niche based service in a freelancing business, then try to find out who exactly needs to purchase such services.

Also try to understand what kind of problems potential clients are facing. In this case I would like to give a suggestion. That is, if Already has a client of his own, you can also ask them what kind of problem they are facing. Then from there you will also get an idea of ​​what the potential clients' problems might be.

After finding out what kind of problem the potential clients are facing, think about how you can solve those specific problems through the service provided by them. Remember, if you can't solve clients' problems, then no matter how much you follow the inbound marketing strategy, nothing will work. So try as much as you can about how you can solve the problems faced by the clients through your own service. In this case, the more expertise you have in your field, the easier it will be for you!

In the freelancing business, it is important to provide free value to the clients as an inbound marketing strategy. Because in this marketing, the content is created in such a way that it is effective for the clients. So create content in a way that provides value to clients. In this case, providing free e-books on various topics as content is very popular. You may have seen many websites where it is said that if you provide email address, free e-book will be provided. But it is a part of inbound marketing.

You can also choose newsletter subscriptions or blog series. What kind of content you actually create depends on the field of freelancing you are working on. However, no matter what the content, be sure to keep an eye on it to provide value to potential clients. In this way, if you continue to work by developing the strategy, then you will see that you are gradually getting better output and as the days go by, the output will get better.

It is true that freelancing business requires a lot of research, patience and hard work to attract clients through inbound marketing. But honestly, at the end of the day, when you see potential clients interested in purchasing the service automatically after viewing your content and then purchasing it later, the joy of being successful will be worth the effort. So do not hesitate to follow the inbound marketing strategy in your freelancing business and start working today!

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